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Finite Element Analysis

  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a widely used and industry-recognised method of creating a mathematical model of a structure or piece of equipment in order to predict the stresses, deflections and vibrations that will occur when that structure or equipment is subjected to a given load or dynamic excitation. 


    An FEA model can be created from scratch, from your drawings, or from your existing Computer Aided Design (CAD) model, by discretising the structure into a finite element “mesh”.  Loads and restraints, known as boundary conditions, are then applied, before the model is “solved” using a solution software, such as the industry-standard NASTRAN code.


    Finally, “results” are produced, presented and expertly assessed by the experienced engineering analysts at Engineering Advice who will work with you to assist you in the equipment’s design development or compliance verification and validation. 


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